On October the 26th 2021 CADIAI and ANS organized in Bologna a first event to share with a public of selected professionals the initial achievements of the SAVE project. Overall the events gathered experts from different backgrounds including health care, ethics, law,
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On October 27th, the University of Minho organized the advocacy event for SAVE project that was held in the auditory of the nursing school and was attended by 23 participants. The aims of the Event were to: Present the SAVE Project Present
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On October 26th, the Cyprus University of Technology organized the advocacy event for SAVE project.
On October the 21th 2021 the Polish partners from PCG organized their advocacy events, involving 15 participants from major stakeholders’ groups.
Altogether 15 participants met to discuss the project, its measures, and results. The participants represented public authorities, associations, and emergency services of Malmi hospital. Especially the screening instruments that will be used in the project, were introduced: Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test
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The World Elder Abuse Awareness Day happens each year on June 15th and represents the one day in the year when the community raises the attention on the abuse and suffering inflicted to some of our older generations, a group claiming for attention during
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The kick off meeting took place on February the 24th 2021 on Zoom. It was a great opportunity to get familiar with the project and its activities, to plan upcoming tasks but also to get to know each other and do team-building.